Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Electives 6140009 digital culture theory 3
Major Required Courses 6140023 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 6140024 Researsh for the Master's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Required Courses 6140029 Doctoral DissertationⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 6140030 Doctoral DissertationⅡ 3
Major Electives 6140033 Networked Cities and The Cultural Policy 3
Major Electives 6140034 Digital Convergence and Cultural Analysis 3
Major Electives 6140035 Studies in post-lnformation Society 3
Major Electives 6140037 Technology&Society and Culture 3
Major Electives 6140039 Copyright & Digital Culture 3
Major Electives 6140041 Creation and Criticism in Digital Culture 3
Major Electives 6140043 Big Data & Software Culture 3
Major Electives 6140045 Sience, Technology and Arts 3
Major Electives 6140047 A Practical Study on Digital Cluture 3
Major Electives 6140049 Social Infographic 3
Major Electives 6140050 Gaming Culture 3
Major Electives 6140052 Cyborg and the Post-Human 3
Major Required Courses 6140053 Introduction to Digital Humanities 3
Major Electives 6140054 Methods on Digital & Cultural Analysis 3
Major Electives 6140055 Content Curation and Copying Culture 3
Major Electives 6140059 Popular Culture and Cultural Diversities 3
Major Electives 6140062 Critique of Cognitive Capitalism 3
Major Electives 6140063 Critical statistical analysis 3
Major Electives 6140064 Institutional critique and artistic activism 3
Major Electives 6140065 Digital/cultural work and policy 3
Major Electives 6140066 Digital/cultural policy and democracy 3
Major Electives 6140067 Social and cultural history of digital technology 3
Major Electives 6140069 Neoliberalism & arts management studies 3
Major Electives 6140070 Creative & Cultural Industry Studies 3
Major Electives 6140071 Digital Technology & Cultural Policy 3
Major Electives 6140072 Digital Technology & Culture Studies of Memory 3
Major Electives 6140074 Cultural State & Art Support 3
Major Electives 6140075 History of Korean Cultural Policy 3
Major Electives 6140077 AI Capitalism 3
Major Electives 6140078 The Climate Crisis and Antrhopocene 3
Major Electives 6140079 Technofeminism 3
Major Electives 6140080 Gender and Cultural Policy 3
Major Electives 6140081 Feminist Theories and Contemporary Issues 3
Major Electives 6140082 Gender, Technology, Culture in Practice 3
Major Electives 6140083 Museum Policies 3
Major Electives 6140084 Contemporary Arts and Archive 3
Major Electives 6140086 3
Major Electives 6140087 3
Major Electives 6140088 3
Major Electives 6140089 3
Major Electives 6140090 Techno-Ecological Politics 3
Major Electives 6140091 AI, Platform and Work 3
Major Electives 6140092  Local Cultural Politics and Cultural Policy 3
Major Electives 6140093 Digital Data and Automated Media 3
Major Electives 6140094 AI and Cultural Industry Policy 3
Major Electives 6140095 Technology and culture change 3
Major Required Courses 9900011 Independent Study for Start-up 3
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