Department of AI and Public Policy
Department of AI and Public Policy
Wookjoon Sung
IT Policy, Research Design & Methods, Evidence-based Policy
Journal Papers
◾ Revisiting the e-Government Maturity Model: Significance, Limitations, and Suggestions, Information Policy, vol.30 No.3 pp.3~28, 2023성욱준
◾ Effects on the continuous use intention of AI-based voice assistant services: Focusing on the interaction between trust in AI and privacy concerns, Information Policy, vol.30 No.2 pp.22~45, 2023성욱준
◾ A Study on Policy Instrument for the Development of Ethical AI-based Services for Enterprises: An Exploratory Analysis Using AHP, Journal of Information Technology Service, vol.22 No.2 pp.23~40, 2023성욱준
◾ A Study on Policy Acceptance Intention to Use Artificial Intelligence-Based Public Services: Focusing on the Influence of Individual Perception & Digital Literacy Level, Information Policy, vol.29 No.1 pp.60~83, 2022성욱준
◾ Nanotechnology Performance Analysis Using Topic Modeling and Social Network Analysis, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2022성욱준
◾ Beyond the privacy paradox: The moderating effect of online privacy concerns on online service use behavior, TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS, vol.65, 2021성욱준
◾ An Practical Study on the Effect of ERP System Introduction Type on the Enterprise’s IT․SW Utilization, 한국IT서비스학회지, vol.20 No.2 pp.57~76, 2021성욱준
◾ The Effect of Privacy Concerns on Using Mobile Payment Services: Moderating Effect of Multidimensional Consumer Innovativeness, 정보화정책, vol.28 No.1 pp.22~42, 2021성욱준
◾ IT융합에 대한 조직의 인식과 CEO의 추진의지가 조직의 IT활용 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향 연구 - CIO 조절효과를 중심으로, 한국IT정책경영학회 논문지, vol.13 No.1 pp.2257~2269, 2021성욱준
◾ A Study on the Effect of Change Management on Organizational Innovation: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Members' Innovative Behavior, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.13 No.4, 2021성욱준
◾ 기대불일치 이론을 적용한 청탁금지법 효과 연구: 정책기대, 정책만족, 정부신뢰의 경로를 중심으로, 한국행정학보, vol.54 No.3 pp.281~309, 2020성욱준
◾ The Effect of Digital Divide on the Use of Online Services in the Severely Disabled People: Focusing on Online Accessibility, 정보화정책, vol.27 No.3 pp.56~81, 2020성욱준
◾ A Study on the Mobile Internet Use and Digital Divide of Farmers and Fishers, 정보화정책, vol.27 No.3 pp.19~38, 2020성욱준
Conference Papers
◾ Dongwook Kim, Wookjoon Sung, A Study on the Intention to Leave Public Service: Focusing on MZ Generation and Non-MZ Generation, Asian Association for Public Administration, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan , 2023성욱준
◾ 성욱준, 데이터 시대의 지방정부: 디지털 혁신, 데이터 기반 행정, 그리고 디지털 플랫폼, 한국지역정보화학회 학술대회논문집, 부산, 2022성욱준
◾ 성욱준, 이주호, 한국 공공부문의 스마트워크 전개와 전망, 한국행정학회 학술대회 발표집, 서울, 2022성욱준
◾ WOOKJOON SUNG, JOOHO LEE, 2022 Korean Public Administration International Conference, 2022 Korean Public Administration International Conference, seoul, 2022성욱준
◾ WOOKJOON SUNG, JOOHO LEE, A Study on the Use of e-Government Services in Korea: Significance and Limitations of the E-Government Maturity Model, DG.O 2022 Conference, Seoul (online), 2022성욱준
◾ WookJoon Sung, Deok-Won Heo, A Study on the effect of Fintech Services on e-commerce: Focusing on Internet-Only Banking and Mobile Payment Services, 22nd International Conference on Electronic Commerce, 중국 청두 (online Zoom), 2021성욱준
◾ WookJoon Sung, Seunghwan Kim, Can People with Disabilities Use the Mobile Internet if They Want to?, DG.O 2020 Conference Proceeding, Virtual Conference Platform:, 2020성욱준
◾ 지은이: 한국행정학회 정부의미래연구회,서울대 지능정보사회 정책연구센터,김동욱,정충식,고대식,김병조,김판석,김필,박미영,성욱준,신승윤,정주원,최한별,황성수,황한찬,홍길표, 스마트워크의 미래 2030, 저서, 9791191503869, 윤성사, 2022성욱준
◾ 지은이: 김동욱,김경우,김민천,김성부,김준형,남태우,류효종,성욱준,이영,전삼,정충식, 스마트시티의 정책 이슈, 저서, 9791191503104, 윤성사, 2021성욱준
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