Ph. D. Seoul National University(1996)
Department of Geography
Dissertation: “Information and Communication Technology and the Organization of Corporate Space: the Case of the Korean Electronics Companies”
M.A. Seoul National University(1987)
Department of Geography
Industrial Location
B.A. Seoul National University(1985)
Economic Geography
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Public Policy and Information Technology
March 2, 2012 to present: Associate Professor
Korea Information Strategy Development Institute
2003 to 2012 February: Senior Research Fellow
Future Information Society Division (Director)
Research Interests: Impacts of IT on the societal change, mobile communications and the change of urban space
1996 to 2003: Senior Research Fellow
Information Society Research Division
Research Interests: Embedded usage of the Internet in everyday life, regional digital divide, regional IT cluster, role of IT for innovation activities
1989 to 1996: Research Associate
Information Society Research Division
Research Interests: regional information society, IT and business activities
Travel Award at the annual residential conference of IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces (1997)
Selected Publications
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2013, Big data, how to balance privacy and social values, The Journal of Digital Policy & Management, Vol.11, No.11., pp. 143-153 (in English)
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2012, Connected-device use in the multi-device environment, Journal of Cyber-Communication Academic Society, Vol.29, No.2., pp. 131-171 (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Jae-hyun Lee, 2011, Difference in the media use between Smartphone users and feature phone users, Journal of Cyber-Communication Academic Society, Vol.28, No.4., pp. 303-351 (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Joo-hyun Oh, 2011, Self-organization of the Internet Communities: the case of Daum Cafes in Korea, Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies, Vol.55. No.5, pp. 261-285.
Joo-Seong Hwang and Su Young Choi, 2010, Collective intelligence models in different cultures: Q&A sites vs. Wikipedia, Journal of Cyber-Communication Academic Society, Vol.27, No.4., pp. 303-351 (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Yoon-jeong Park, 2010, Factors affecting spatial cognition of mobile phone users, Journal of the Korean Association of Information Society, Vol.17, pp. 1-31 (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Yoon-jeong Park, 2010, Mobile internet and changes of spatial cognition, Journal of the Korean Association of Information Society, Vol.17, pp. 1-31 (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2009, User values and philosophy of digital convergence, Journal of Journalism and Science, Vol.9, No. 4, pp. 671-704(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang et als, 2008, Paradigm shift in contents value-chain and policy implications, International Telecommunications Policy Review , Vol.15, No. 3, pp.113-134(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Ji-Yeon Yoo, 2007, Time-Series comparative analysis of the internet use in Korea: 2002 vs. 2005, Journal of the Information Society Policy, Vol.14, No.1, pp.19-43(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang , Ji-Yeon Yoo, and Dong-hoo Lee, 2006, Impacts of mobile communications on spatial behavior in Seoul, Journal of the Korea Association for Communication and Information Studies, Vol.34, pp.306-340(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2004, “Digital divide in Internet use within the urban hierarchy: the case of South Korea,” Urban Geography, Vol. 25, No.4, pp.372-389. [in English]
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2004, “IT Cluster evolved form research park: Taeduk Vally in Korea,” Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, Vol.7, No.3, pp.359-384.(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang and Dong-Gi Jo, 2003, “A study on a model of Internet uses in Korea,” Korean Telecommunications Policy Review, Vol.10, No.2, pp. 75-97.(in Korean)
Dong-Ju Kim, Young-Sub Kwon, Joo-Seong Hwang, Sun-Bae Kim and Jeong-Hyop Lee, 2002, “A Study on the development of regional industrial clusters in Korea: a comparison of three regional industries,” Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association, Vol.18, No. 3, pp. 49-74. (in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2002, “Characteristics and development of industrial districts - the case of software cluster in Seoul,” in Hayer, R and R. Leheron, Knowledge, Territory and Industrial Space, Ashgate. pp. 107-125. [in English]
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2002, “Teheran Valley, incubator for internet businesses and venture companies,” Oheok Kwon, ed.,High-tech Industry and City, Hanul Academy, pp.206-234.(in Korean)
Joo-Seong Hwang, 2000, “The role of information technology in innovation process and activities ,”Journal of Institute of Information Technology Assessment, Vol.2, No.4, pp.6-25. (in Korean)
Joo-Seong, Hwang, 1998, “Computer networks and the reorganization of corporate space: the case of Korean electronics industry”, Papers in Regional Science, Vol.77, no.2, pp.131-154. [in English]
Journal Papers
◾ 스마트 기기의 3단계 디지털 격차에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 이용동기를 중심으로, Information Society and Media, vol.25 No.2 pp.1~46, 2024황주성
◾ A Study on the Differentiation of Policy Instruments According to the Characteristic Factors of Apparel Sewing Micro Manufacturers Clusters in Seoul, Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea, vol.26 No.3 pp.238~255, 2023황주성
◾ Changes in the use of digital services among generations after COVID-19 - implications for the digital divide policy -, Journal for the Korean Association for Regional Information Society, vol.26 No.1 pp.37~60, 2023황주성
◾ The effect of YouTube’s personalization algorithm on perceptions of disinformation experiences, Korea Association for Telecommunications Polices, vol.29 No.2 pp.177~213, 2022황주성
◾ 온라인 커뮤니티 참가자의 유형과 구분요인에 관한 연구: 개인적 특성 요인을 중심으로, Journal of Cybercommunication Academic Society, vol.37 No.2 pp.137~210, 2020황주성
◾ A Study on Future Preparation Factors Affecting the Regional Strategy for Futures: focusing on sustainability and competitiveness factors, Legislation and Policy Studies, vol.10 No.3 pp.33~71, 2018황주성
◾ Do Self-esteem, Personality and Offline Activities Help to Distinguish Online Community Users from Social Networking Site Users?, 정보통신정책연구, vol.23 No.3 pp.75~110, 2016황주성
◾ An Analysis on the Effects of Open Government Data Policies: Linear Model or Eco-systemic Model?, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.19 No.2 pp.1~28, 2016황주성
◾ 융합적 TV시청에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구, 정보사회와 미디어, vol.17 No.1 pp.1~29, 2016황주성
◾ What are the reasons for the dearth of studies on the media services failure in Korea?, 언론과 사회, vol.24 No.1 pp.69~104, 2016황주성
◾ 전자정부가 공공데이터 개방의 성과에 미치는 영향: 사회·제도적 조절변수를 중심으로, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.18 No.2 pp.1~28, 2015황주성
◾ Social Media vs. Mass Media in the Policy Agenda-setting Process: The Case of the Gwangju Inhwa School Incident(Dogani), 방송과 커뮤니케이션, vol.16 No.1 pp.115~151, 2015황주성
◾ 지상파TV의 시청방식에 따른 집단 간 특성 비교: 인구학적 속성과 미디어 이용을 중심으로, 정보통신정책연구, vol.21 No.2 pp.19~56, 2014황주성
◾ 빅데이터, 프라이버시와 사회적 가치의 조화방안, The Journal of Digital Policy & Management, vol.11 No.11 pp.143~153, 2013황주성
◾ Connected-device Use in the Multi-device Environment, 사이버커뮤니케이션학보, vol.29 No.2 pp.131~171, 2012황주성
Conference Papers
◾ 김용남, 황주성, A Comparative Study on Factors Affecting Policies on Autonomous Cooperative Driving Industry: Case study on the United States and Europe, The Age of New Space, Artificial Intelligence and New Civilization, 제주대학교 아라캠퍼스 경상대학 2호관, 2023황주성
◾ 정영수 황주성, A study on the characteristics of small sized manufacturing firms and the differentiation of policy tools, The past, present and future of regional studies, 국토연구원, 2023황주성
◾ 황주성, Factors inflencing on the typs of participants in online community, 기술을 넘어 미디어 존재가치를 묻다, 센터포인터 광화문, 2019황주성
◾ 황주성, Socio-economic Architecture and Policies in the Age of AI, 미래를 위한 준비, ICT산업의 도약, 대한상공회의소 중회의실, 2019황주성
◾ 사이버커뮤니케이션학회 조직위원회, 유튜브 가짜뉴스의 경험에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 플랫폼과 이용자의 편향성을 중심으로, 다시 인간을 생각하다: 무엇을 위한 인공지능인가?, 이화여자대학교 ECC, 2019황주성
◾ 황주성, 융합형 TV시청집단의 구분요인에 관한 연구, 2015 한국미디어경영학회 가을 정기학술대회: 미디어 사용자의 재발견, 대한상공회의소, 2015황주성
◾ 황주성, 온라인 커뮤니티 이용자와 SNS이용자의 구분요인 분석, 제3회 한국미디어패널 학술대회, 엘타워 5층, 2015황주성
◾ 황주성, Personal Information and Privacy: Revisited in big data environment, 2014년 한국정보사회학회 상반기 연례학술대회: 프라이버시와 정보보호, 한국정보화진흥원, 2014황주성
◾ 황주, ICT와 공간의 과거-현재-미래, 공간의 미래, 미래의 공간, 지리학의 미래, 서울대학교 아시아연구소 영원홀, 2013황주성
◾ 황주성, 미디어 이용활동에 근거한 미디어 레퍼토리 분석, 제1회 한국미디어패널 학술대회, 서울대학교 호암교수회관, 2013황주성
◾ Joo Seong Hwang, Big data, how to balance priovacy and social values, 10th International Conference on IT Application & Management:Digitally Networked Global Society, The Pokhara Hotel, 2013황주성
◾ 황주, 창조경제, 인터넷 생태계, 개방형 정부, 한국인터넷포럼 토론회: 창조경제와 인터넷정책, 어떻게 할 것인가, 국회의원회관 제1소회의실, 2013황주성
◾ 황주성, 부동산 Bigdata를 활용한 맞춤형 행정서비스 구현, 창조경제와 국토정보 융복합정책, 국회헌정기념관, 2013황주성
◾ 황주성, 소프트웨어산업의 미래트렌드와 공간정책적 시사점, (사)산업클러스터학회 추계학술대회 자료집, 서울올림픽파크텔, 2012황주성
◾ 조현석,강윤재,김기환, 빅데이터 시대의 기회와 위험, 저서, 978-89-300-8878-7, 나남, 2016황주성
◾ 김상배, 황주성, Reading the Age of Social Media: The Anatomy of Internet Powere 2.0, 저서, 978-89-460-4736-5, Hanul Academy, 2014황주성
◾ 빅데이터와 위험 정보사회, 저서, 9791130400051, 커뮤니케이션북스, 2013황주성
◾ 엮은이: 조화순, 소셜네트워크와 정치변동, 편서, 978-89-460-5438-7, 한울, 2012황주성
◾ 디지털 컨버전스 환경에서 융합적 TV시청경험에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.황주성
◾ 융합적 TV시청의 결정요인에 관한 연구: 인구학적 요인과 인터넷 친화성을 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.06.황주성
◾ 미디어 실패사례 연구의 부족원인에 대한 지식사회학적 고찰, 산학협력단, 2015.07.~2016.06.황주성
◾ TV 시청방식에 따른 인구학적 속성과 미디어 이용 특성 비교, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.황주성
◾ 과학기술·ICT 자격증의 국가간 상호인정 방안 연구, 한국연구재단, 2013.08.~2014.02.황주성
◾ 한국정보화진흥원 중장기 발전전략 연구, 한국정보화진흥원, 2012.07.~2012.12.황주성