Department of AI and Public Policy
Department of AI and Public Policy
Taehee Kim
Ph.D. (2014)School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers, the State
University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ
MPA (2007) Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea - Master of Science in Public
B.A & B.S (2004) Konkuk University Seoul, Korea- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature &
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
Assistant Professor (August 2014-August, 2016): Public Administration Progra, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Managing Director (2012-2014):National Center for Public Performance at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Instructor (2012-2014) Rutgers University, School of Public Affairs and Administration, Newark, NJ
Secretariat (2010 to present):ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) Section on Korean Public Administration:
Treasurer (2014 to present): ASPA (American Society for Public Administration) Section on Public Performance and Management (SPPM)
National Unification Advisory Council member, South Korea (2015-present)
Research Areas
Public Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Performance Management, Diversity Management
Public Management, Intro to Public Administration
Journal Papers
◾ 사회적 “임금” 비교가 공직만족도에 미치는 영향: 입직급수의 조절효과를 중심으로, Korean Public Personnel Administration Review, vol.23 No.4 pp.203~232, 2024김태희
◾ 근무 유연성 제도(Flexible Work Arrangements)가 일-가정 전이에 미치는 효과:사용여부와 지각된 사용 용이성을 중심으로, Korean Society and Public Administration, vol.33 No.3 pp.25~49, 2023김태희
◾ Unveiling the Impact of Leadership Interplay on Organizational Commitment, Journal of Policy Studies, 2023김태희
◾ Undergraduate education in public administration and public service motivation A quasi experiment with the intervention of an introductory course, Teaching Public Administration, 2022김태희
◾ 조직 내 정치인식이 조직성과 인식에 미치는 영향: 태움의 매개효과를 중심으로, Journal of Social Science, vol.60 No.3 pp.301~320, 2021김태희
◾ 개인의 삶의 만족도 결정요인 요인: 사회경제적 요인 및 사회적 자본을 중심으로, The Journal of Convergence Society and Public Policy, vol.15 No.3 pp.214~255, 2021김태희
◾ 조직의 다양성과 성과의 관계: 포용적 리더십의 조절효과, Korean Review of Organizational Studies, vol.18 No.3 pp.1~34, 2021김태희
◾ 성과정보의 활용이 조직성과 개선에 미치는 효과 - 참여적 의사결정의 조절효과-, Modern Society and Public Administration, vol.31 No.3 pp.81~114, 2021김태희
◾ Institutional correlates of public service motivation: family, religion, and high school education, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 2021김태희
◾ Ethical Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness: the Moderating Role of Organizational Justice Perception, Korean Journal of Local Government & Administration, vol.35 No.3 pp.27~53, 2021김태희
◾ Supervision of Telework: A Key to Organizational Performance, American Review of Public Administration, vol.51 No.4 pp.263~277, 2021김태희
◾ The relationship between fiscal decentralization and trust in government: evidence from the South Korean case, International Review of Administrative Science, vol.88 No.2 pp.373~389, 2020김태희
◾ Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Job Outcomes: Moderating Role of Public Service Motivation, 현대사회와 행정, vol.30 No.1 pp.51~73, 2020김태희
◾ Fiscal Decentralization and Local Governments' Spending Decisions in South Korea: using fiscal decentralization index suggested by Vo (2008, 2009), 융합사회와 공공정책, vol.13 No.4 pp.3~27, 2020김태희
◾ The Effects of Managers' Purposeful Performance Information Use on American Hospital Performance, Public Performance & Management Review, vol.43 No.1 pp.129~156, 2020김태희
◾ Making the Link between Work-Life Balance Policies and Organizational Commitment: Consideration of Sectoral Differences, Korean Society and Public Administration, vol.30 No.1 pp.119~144, 2019김태희
◾ Work-Life Balance Promoting Policies and Practices: The Role of Organizational Culture, 현대사회와 행정, vol.27 No.4 pp.147~168, 2017김태희
◾ How does supervisor support and diversity management affect employee participation in work/family policies?, Review of Public Personnel Administration, vol.36 No.1 pp.80~105, 2016김태희
◾ Public employees and performance appraisal: A study of antecedents to employees’ perception of the process, Review of Public Personnel Administration, vol.36 No.1 pp.31~56, 2016김태희
Conference Papers
◾ 김태희 정윤진, Employee Task Autonomy- Job Capacity and Its Implications for Organizational Outcomes, Japanese Society of Public Administration, Gakushuin University, 2024김태희
◾ 1, Innovative Practices in Local Governance: the Role of Citizen Engagement, 2021 OGP Academy: The Case for Open Government, 비대면 컨퍼런스, 2021김태희
◾ 김태희, Public employee employment system: performance evaluation and improvement, The Korean Association for Governance Studies fall conference, 성균관대학교 인문사회캠퍼스 법학관, 2019김태희
◾ 김태희, Determinants of Management Capacity Evaluation Effecftivenss and Acceptabilit: cases of Korean central government agencies, The Korean Association for Policy Analysis and Evaluation Fall conference, 한국지역정보개발원, 2019김태희
◾ Kim Taehee, Intelligent Information Society and Public Policy: the Case of South Korea, International Seminar on E-governance: Technological Innovation and Legal Guarantee, 광저우, 2018김태희
◾ Kim Soojin, Lee Yunsoo, Kim Taehee, Does Financial Performance Matter? The Relationship between Fiscal Decentralization and Trust in Government, Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), National University of Singapore, 2018김태희
◾ 김태희 오민지, 일가정 양립정책의 유효성과 조직문화, 서울행정학회 추계학술대회 발표논문, 서울대학교 행정대학원, 2017김태희
◾ 김태희 김연준, 원자력안전관리 고도화를 위한 소셜미디어 플랫폼 활용방안, 한국정책학회 한국지방정부학회 공동 추계학술대회 발표논문, 동서대학교 센텀캠퍼스, 2017김태희
◾ 김태희, Alex Henderson, 엄태호, The Push and Pull of Street-Level Service: Examining Public Service Motivation in Social Welfare Workers, 한국행정학회 정기학술대회 하계학술대회 학술발표논문집, 전북대학교, 2017김태희
◾ 김태희, Lauren Bock Mullins, Effectiveness of Diversity Management: Link between Satisfaction with Family-Work Initiatives and Perceptions of Career Advancement, AIRMAP 6th annual conference: is public amanagement universal?, Rue du 22eme BCA - 06300 NICE, 2017김태희
◾ 김태희, 미국 공공데이터 정책및 활용, #DISC 2016 국제컨퍼런스(WATEF 국제컨퍼런스) : 데이터, 혁신, 소셜네트워크, 융합, 대구 인터불고 호텔 엑스코 블루벨 홀, 2016김태희
◾ 지은이: 김용철 외, Public Administration, 저서, 9791130313696, 박영사, 2022김태희
◾ 지은이: 이원희,고길곤,김태희,김도형,김윤희,나종민,노은주,류신규,박성호,여정원,윤정아,이주호,정복교,허형조, U.S. Public Administration and Policy: Perspectives from South Korean Scholars, 저서, 9788976447708, Daeyoung Co., 2020김태희
◾ 미래사회·산업수요에 대응하기 위한 대학혁신 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.02.김태희
◾ 2019년 대학혁신지원사업 자체 혁신방안 수립 정책연구, 산학협력단, 2019.01.~2019.02.김태희
◾ 조직의 다양성과 리더십이 조직성과에 미치는 효과, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2018.12.김태희
◾ 일·가정 양립정책의 유효성과 조직문화, 산학협력단, 2017.12.~2018.11.김태희
◾ 주요국의 사이버보안 사고 대응정책에 있어서의 학습에 관한 연구, ETRI부설국가보안기술연구소, 2017.06.~2017.11.김태희
◾ 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 2019학년도 교육분야 우수교육상, 서울과학기술대학교, 2020김태희
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