Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
Hong-keun Yoon
Public Choice & Negotiation, Institutional Analysis
Ph.D. : Political Science, Seoul National University, Korea, 1993
M.A. : Political Science, Seoul National University, Korea, 1985
B.A. : Political Science, Seoul National University, Korea, 1980

Professor, Seoul National University of Science & Technology (Seoul Tech),
Department of Public Administration (since March 2001).

Professor, Seoul National University of Science & Technology,
Graduate School of Public Policy & Information Technology (since March 2003).

Assistant – Associate Professor, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Department of Public Administration (March 1993– Feb. 2001).

Visiting Scholar, College of Business, California Polytechnic State University, U. S. A. (Jan. 2009 ~ Jan. 2010)
Visiting Scholar, Workshop in Political Theory & Policy Analysis, Indiana University, U. S. A. (July 1997 ~ Feb. 1999)


Department of Public Administration (Seoul Tech)
Government Regulation
Conflict Management & Negotiation
Public Choice Theory
Organization & Institutional Analysis

Graduate School of Public Policy & Information Technology (Seoul Tech)
Globalization and the Change of Government Regulation
Government-Business Relations & International Political Economy
Culture & Negotiation
Research Areas
(1) Business-Government Relations:
a) Analysis of Business-Government Relations in Korea
b) Comparative Study of Business-Government Relations
c) Corporate Political Activities

(2) Rational Choice Theory & New Institutionalism:
a) Institutional Analysis and Institutional Design
b) Public Choice and Interest Group Politics
c) Conflict Management & Negotiation
Government Regulation
Conflict Management & Negotiation
Public Choice Theory
Organization & Institutional Analysis
Selected Publications
Ph.D. Dissertation

On the Political Theory of Contractualism: A Comparative Analysis of J. Buchanan's and
J. Rawls's Constitutional Choice Theory,” Seoul National University, 1993.

Books (Recent)

◾ Hong Keun Yoon, T. K Ahn, eds. Public Choice, Seoul, Korea:
Park Young Publishing (2012).
◾ Hong Keun Yoon, S. H. Kim, Y. H. Jung, Social Science: Formation, Evolution,
And Contemporary Theories, Seoul, Korea: Park Young Publishing (2011).
◾ Hong Keun Yoon, T. K. Ahn, Beyond the Tragedy of Commons, translation into
Korean of E. Ostrom’s Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for
Collective Action, Seoul, Korea: Random House Korea (2010).
◾ Hong Keun Yoon, S. H. Park, Negotiation: Theories and Practical Strategies, Seoul, Korea: Ingansarang Books (2010).
◾ Hong Keun Yoon, K. Namkoong. B. Guy Peters, S. Kim, H. J. Rhee, J. Chung,
Participatory Governance in Nordic Countries. Seoul, Korea: Hanul Books(2006).

Articles (Recent)

◾ “The Change of the Economic Role of Korean Government and the Change of the Market Institution: A Discursive Institutional Approach,” Journal of Korean Politics, Vol.22, No.3. 2013.
◾ “Economic Globalization & the Change of Market Actors’ Collective Action: Focused on the Federation of Korean Industries,” presented at The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society, June 2013.
◾ “WTO, Market Integration, and the Change of Government Regulation: Focused on the Effects of Globalization Over the National Economic Sovereignty,” Journal of Korean Politics, Vol. 20. No.3, 2011.
◾ “Policy Convergence Initiated by Epistemic Community: Case Study Focused on International Competition Network (INC),” Journal of Korean Politics, Vol. 17,
No. 1, 2008.

Recent Research Grants

◾ Research Grant Funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea, Research Project - “Globalization and the Change of Corporate Political Activities: A Comparative Study on the Changes of the Operating System of Business Association in Korea, Sweden, and the U. S.”, May 2013.

◾ Coordinator, Research Grant Funded by Korea Association for Information Management & SK Telecommunication, Research Project - “Strategic Stakeholder Relationship Management for SKT”, May 2012.

◾ Main collaborator (project leader: Prof. Young Sup Lee, Seoul Tech): “Institutional Analysis and the Reform of the Strategic Approach for the Safety of
Construction Workers,” Ministry of Labor & Employments, 2012.
Journal Papers
◾ 한국의 기업정치활동: 동기와 목표, 유형, 선행요인 연구, Contemporary Political Studies, vol.14 No.3 pp.97~132, 2021윤홍근
◾ A Study of Lobby Regulatory System in Korea: from a Comparative Perspective, 의정논총, vol.12 No.1 pp.153~188, 2017윤홍근
◾ 글로벌화와 이익집단 정치의 변화: 전경련 집단행동의 딜레마, Review of Institution and Economics, vol.10 No.3 pp.53~96, 2016윤홍근
◾ 한국정부의 경제적 역할 변화와 시장제도의 변화: 1980년대 초 ‘안정화시책’에 대한 담론제도주의 분석, 한국정치연구, vol.22 No.1 pp.163~188, 2013윤홍근
◾ WTO와 시장통합, 정부규제의 변화: 세계화가 국가주권에 미치는 영향을 둘러싼 논의를 중심으로, 한국정치연구, vol.20 No.3 pp.213~238, 2011윤홍근
Conference Papers
◾ 윤홍근 단독, Corporate Political Activities of Korean Firms and Economic Assocoation: A Empirical Study, Coporate Political Activity in Korea, 연세대학교 새천년관, 2019윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, A Study on the Enactment of Lobby Regulation Law in UK, 2017 KAIS Annual Summer Conference, 전북대학교 인문사회관, 2017윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, Globalization and The Change of Interest Group Politics, KPCA 2016 Fall Conference, 국회 의원회관 간담회실, 2016윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, Search for a Model of Lobby Regulation in Korea: based on International Compariron, 2016 KPSA Fall Conference, 속초 호텔 마레몬스, 2016윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, 글로벌화와 정치적 활동방식의 변화, 한국정치학의 과학성/규범성/실용성, 국립외교원, 2015윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, 스웨덴 경제단체의 정치적 활동변화 연구, 동북아와 세계정치: 공존과 협력의 모색, 국립외교, 2015윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, Economic Globalization & The change of Market Actors' Collective Action -Fucused on The Federation of Korean Industries-, The World and Korean Politics: Influence and Contribution, 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스, 2013윤홍근
◾ 사회적 협동과 제도, 한국공공선택학회 연례학술회의, 한림대학교, 2011윤홍근
◾ 최근 로비 활동의 변화 추세에 비추어 본 로비관계법 제정 논의: 풀뿌리 로비를 중심으로, 한국정치학회 연례학술회의 발표논문집, 2010윤홍근
◾ 글로벌화와 정부규제의 변화: WTO와 시장통합, 경제적 주권의 상실?, 한국국제정치학회 연례학술대회 발표논문집, 2010윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근 지음, 이익집단의 정치학 : 한국, 스웨덴, 미국 경제단체의 정치적 활동과 최근 변화, 저서, 978-89-7418-343-1, 인간사랑, 2015윤홍근
◾ 공저자: 김재한, 김대진, 김종욱, Public Choice, 저서, 9788964543030, Seoul Pakyoungsa, 2012윤홍근
◾ 김승현, 사회과학, 저서, 9788964541449, 博英社, 2011윤홍근
◾ 윤홍근, 공유의 비극을 넘어, 역서, 978-89-255-3988-1, 랜덤하우스, 2010윤홍근
◾ 협상게임, 저서, 978-89-7418-010-2, 도서출판 인간사랑, 2010윤홍근
◾ 한국 기업의 대정부 관계연구, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.윤홍근
◾ 한국의 기업 정치 활동에 관한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2018.05.~2021.04.윤홍근
◾ 이목집중 사건과 정책변화: 영국로비법 제정 사례를 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2017.08.~2018.07.윤홍근
◾ 한국형 로비규제모델의 탐색: 국제비교의 관점, 산학협력단, 2017.03.~2017.10.윤홍근
◾ 기업의 정치적 활동유형의 변화와 로비법 제정필요성 연구, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.윤홍근
◾ 경제글로벌화와 시장행위자의 집합행동변화, 산학협력단, 2013.09.~2014.02.윤홍근
◾ 글로벌화와 기업의 정치적 활동양식의 변화: 한국과 스웨덴, 미국 경제단체의 조직 작동 체계의 변화 비교 연구, 한국연구재단, 2013.05.~2014.04.윤홍근
◾ 한국정부의 경제적 역할변화와 시장제도의 변화, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.03.윤홍근
◾ 공공선택, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.윤홍근
◾ 건설업 기초안전보건교육 성과분석 및 개선방안 연구용역, 한국산업안전보건공단, 2012.04.~2012.11.윤홍근
    • Lee, Okki
    • Major: Digital culture policy, Multimedia
    • Research prof.
    • Kyonghee Univ., Ph.D.

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