Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
Department of Digital & Cultural Policy
In the era of new media and smart technology, digital culture and its related phenomena have become the ultimate resources for the various cultural and creative industries. The Digital & Cultural Policy major provides keen insights into the creation and application of digital culture and public policy from a triangular viewpoint across the humanities, social sciences, and digital cultural studies. The Digital & Cultural Policy major aims to promote a specialized and authorized academic field with a critical and analytical understanding of up-to-date creative and digital industries, its legal system, and public policies.
Major Education and Research Topics
  • - Understanding digital and cultural policy in a rapidly changing technological environment
  • - Experience in devising, researching, and writing up an individual topic of study in an extended argument/thesis about digital and cultural phenomena and public policy
  • - Exploration of the implementation of policies through government agencies and the shaping of cultural provisions
  • - Examination of digital culture and its related industries and policies
Application & Related Industries
  • - Learn knowledge of policy analysis and management in the areas of digital and culture policy and public administration
  • - Improve the graduate students’ future career opportunities as digital and cultural policy professionals or administrators for central/ local governments, NGOs, and creative industries, as well as implementing policy research
Required courses are Lecture on Digital & Cultural Policy, Research Methodology, and Studies for Writing a Thesis. Other elective courses include Cultural Industry Policy, Contemporary Cultural Theories, Digital Cultural Theories, Culture and Negotiation, Technology, Post-Information Society, Society and Culture, Cultural Economics, Popular Culture, Copyrights & Digital Culture, Culture and Globalization, Public Administration for Cultural Development, Culture and Welfare Policy, and Digital Cultural Contents.
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, korea Tel : +82-2-970-6797 Fax : +82-2-970-6800
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