Department of IT Design Convergence
Department of IT Design Convergence
Year : 
Semester : 
Division subject No Subject Credit In English
Major Required Courses 6143001 Research for the Master's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 6143002 Research for the Master's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Required Courses 6143003 Research for the Doctor's DegreeⅠ 3
Major Required Courses 6143004 Research for the Doctor's DegreeⅡ 3
Major Electives 6143008 Human Centered Design 3
Major Electives 6143009 Design Research Methodology 3
Major Electives 6143013 Sustainable Design 3
Major Electives 6143015 Design Innovation 3
Major Electives 6143016 Creative & Convergence Design 3
Major Electives 6143019 Affective Convergence Design 3
Major Electives 6143021 Digital Communication Design 3
Major Electives 6143026 Advanced Design Research Methodology 3
Major Electives 6143028 Social Implication of Design 3 Y
Major Electives 6143029 Design Aesthetics 3
Major Electives 6143032 Interactive Design Trend & Technology 3
Major Electives 6143035 Storytelling & Design 3
Major Electives 6143036 Contemporary Issues in Design 3
Major Required Courses 6143037 Independent Study for Start-up 3
Major Electives 6143040 Experimental Multimedia Design 3
Major Electives 6143041 Creative Design Conception 3
Major Electives 6143042 Creative Design Context 3
Major Electives 6143045 Independent Study I 3
Major Electives 6143046 Independent Study II 3
Major Electives 6143047 Global K-Design Trend 3
Major Electives 6143048 Ambidextrous Designer World 3
Major Electives 6143049 Public Communication Design 3
Major Electives 6143050 Design Consulting Strategy 3
Major Electives 6143051 The Future of AI Design 3
Major Electives 6143052 Shared Value of Design 3
Major Electives 6143053 Design Protection and Awareness Improvement 3
Major Electives 6143054 IT design management strategy 3
Major Electives 6143055 Social Media & Design 3
Major Electives 6143056 Digital Interaction Design 3
Major Electives 6143057 Multiplatform Design Research 3
Major Electives 6143058 Synesthetic Digital Media 3
Major Electives 6143059 Understanding and Application of Color 3
Major Electives 6143060 Design Marketing Strategy 3
Major Electives 6143061 Insights&Future Design 3
Major Electives 6143062 AI Design Content Research 3
Major Electives 6143063 Visual Hierarchy of Information Design 3
Major Electives 6143064 New Media and Culture and Art 3
Major Electives 6143065 Upcycle Redesign 3
Major Electives 6143066 IT Technology&Design 3
Major Electives 6143067 Symbol&Design 3
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